Wednesday, August 5, 2020

2020 NatsBest Goes to Elizarov’s Earth

Yesterday the National Bestseller Award went to Mikhail Elizarov’s Земля (Earth) (previous post), a very long and often very funny book about death and the funeral industry. Earth had two votes. Olga Pogodina-Kuzmina’s Уран (Uranium) and Sofia Sinitskaya’s Сияние “жеможаха” (the one with the tricky title that I kind of like calling The “Zhemozhakha” Shining since the title’s other word is the same as the Russian title of a certain Stephen King book) each had one vote.

For a bit more, see this post from Год литературы.

Up Next: Potpourri, Inga Kuznetsova’s Промежуток.

Disclaimers and Disclosures: I received a copy of Earth from BGS Literary Agency and have translated excerpts from the novel.


  1. What an exciting update! Looking forward to your review of Промежуток with great interest, Lisa!

    1. I'm looking forward to it, too, Russian Dinosaur! I generally enjoyed it a lot, though I'm still trying to make sense of it for myself.

  2. Hurrah! Maybe that means that someone will translate it now.... ;D

    1. I just found this comment, which inexplicably went to spam. And of course Earth feels all the more topical now, after the Big Book disaster/debacle. Earth is very, very long, though I have heard tell that it may possibly be translated. We shall see!
