My last stretch of War and Peace has been so loaded with fun and famous passages that I decided to write about them from the angle of character development. Pierre, Prince Andrei, and Natasha all experience big changes in this small chunk of the book:

Prince Andrei and the Oak Tree: I began to appreciate Prince Andrei more than ever in this reading. Yes, he’s still a bit prickly, but after having a ball with Natasha (sorry), I was happy to see him leave the stultifying falsity of the party at Speransky’s house and realize he doesn’t enjoy writing laws. I enjoyed watching Prince Andrei’s rebirth, too, beginning with his injury at Austerlitz, where he sees the boundless sky and continuing when he receives the message “Весна, и любовь, и счастие!” (“Spring, and love, and happiness!”) from a big oak tree. Indeed, life is not over at 31!
Natasha’s love for life also has an effect, and the scene where Prince Andrei hears her telling Sonya to wake up and look out the window at the night sky has always been a favorite. Incidentally, there is a nice little word play in this passage: “соня” (sonya) also means sleepyhead, and its root, сон (son) means sleep and dream. Natasha’s desire to fly into the night sky makes me think of Master and Margarita.
Natasha and the Mirrors: Natasha gets a lot of ink in these passages of the book, and my favorite has to be her day at home, the day when Prince Andrei comes to propose marriage. Natasha has overcome her sadness at Prince Andrei’s absence – he had visited her regularly after the ball, then, unbeknownst to Natasha, gone to visit his father to discuss marriage – and she is wearing an old dress and singing solfeggi, which Tolstoy-as-narrator steps in to tell us are voice exercises.
What are your thoughts about these developments in plot and character?
Oak leaves from Thoursie, through stock.xchng
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