Wednesday, July 1, 2009

2009 Russian Booker Prize Long List

With the first of July comes the first Russian Booker Prize list of the year, a long list of 24 entries chosen from a field of 82 nominees. This year’s long listers include:

Two books that have already won major prizes:

Andrei Gelasimov’s 2009 National Bestseller winner Степные боги (Steppe Gods) (previous post)

Vladimir Makanin’s 2008 Big Book winner Асан (Asan) (previous post)

Books that made the short list of the 2009 Big Book prize:

Andrei VolosПобедитель (The Victor)

Maria GalinaМалая Глуша (Small Glusha)

Leonid ZorinСкверный глобус (The Wretched Globe)

Aleksandr TerekhovКаменный мост (The Stone Bridge)

Boris KhazanovВчерашняя вечность (Yesterday’s Eternity)

Leonid IuzefovichЖуравли и карлики (beginning middle end) (Cranes and Dwarfs)

Other familiar names:

Iurii ArabovЧудо (The Miracle) (a Big Book long lister that I couldn’t get into; comments here)

Andrei BitovПреподаватель симметрии (The Symmetry Teacher)

Roman SenchinЕлтышевы (The Yeltyshevs) (beginning) (end)

Aleksandr SnegirevНефтяная Венера (Oil [as in petroleum] Venus), a 2009 Natsbest short lister

The full long list is available here on the Booker site. The Booker people will announce the short list on October 7 and the winner on December 3. The winner will receive 500,000 rubles, and each finalist will receive 50,000 rubles.