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Happy birthday (new style) to Andrei Bely! |
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Yet More Awards: Yasnaya Polyana and Andrei Bely
Posted by
Lisa C. Hayden
5:12 PM
Labels: andrei bely award, Kirill Medvedev, Roman Senchin, Serhij Zhadan, translated into Russian, Yasnaya Polyana Awards
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Moscow Trip Report: Book Fair, Kongress, and Miscellany
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With visible soft sign. |
Posted by
Lisa C. Hayden
6:45 PM
Labels: Andrei Platonov, contemporary fiction, Evgenii Vodolazkin, International Congress of Literary Translators, literary translation, Marina Stepnova, Russian literature
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Happy Birthday to the Bookshelf!

Posted by
Lisa C. Hayden
4:21 PM
Labels: classics Russian literature, contemporary fiction, literary translation
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
2014 Russian Booker Finalists
- Anatolii Vishnevskii’s
Жизнеописание Петра Степановича К. (The Story of the Life/Biography of Petr Stepanovich
K.). The description
of this book, which is evidently completely based on documents, is a little
vague: it’s apparently about a man who lives a long life but wanted glory more
than longevity, though longevity gives him a chance to see a lot.
- Natalya Gromova’s
Последняя Москва (The Key. The
Last/Final Moscow). This one’s called an archival novel, and it apparently
focuses largely on the 1930s and a Moscow that no longer exists. Gromova works
at the Tsvetaeva house museum in Moscow. There’s more here. The Key is already a 2014
Big Book finalist.
- Zakhar Prilepin’s
Обитель (The Cloister). This novel about the Solovetsky Islands in the 1920s
is already on the 2014 Big Book finalist list, and it won Book of the Year last
month. I lugged it back from Moscow (it’s big) and plan to read it soon.
Probably right after the next book on this list…
- Viktor Remizov’s Воля вольная. (This
is the book with the title that translates literally as something like Willful Will or Free Freedom but Remizov told me he’d use something closer to Soaring Will. Though he wasn’t even
quite sure how to explain the title…) In any case, this is a novel about poaching, corruption, and conflict in the Russian Far East… though there’s much more to it than that. I’m looking forward to reading it. [Description edited after reading the book.]
- Elena Skul’skaia’s
Мраморный лебедь
(The Marble Swan). According to Novaya gazeta, this
is memoiristic writing about friends and family. Even a quick look at the text
on the Zhurnal’nyi zal site shows that it’s made up of vignettes/tiny chapters.
- Vladimir Sharov’s Возвращение в Египет (Return to Egypt). In which one Kolya Gogol (a distant relative of familiar old Nikolai Gogol) finishes writing Dead Souls. An epistolary novel. Already a finalist for this year’s National Bestseller and Big Book awards.
Posted by
Lisa C. Hayden
5:33 PM
Labels: contemporary fiction, novels, Russian Booker, Zakhar Prilepin
Sunday, October 5, 2014
The 2014 NOS(E) Award Long List
- Valerii Aizenberg’s Квартирант (Tenant). According to critic Nikolai Alexandrov, Tenant is a monologue from someone looking to rent out an apartment, addressed to the prospective tenant. Aizenberg is also an artist and the book includes his art.
- Svetlana Aleksievich’s Время сэконд хэнд (See Second-Hand Time for a detailed description and a list of translations). Nonfiction about Russia’s post-Soviet history.
- Iurii Arabov’s Столкновение с бабочкой (Clash/Collision with a Butterfly). Hmm, chapter one is titled “Ленин в Цюрихе” (“Lenin in Zurich”); in an interview Arabov referred to the novel as alternative, “what if,” history.
- Iurii Buida’s Яд и мёд (Poison and Honey). The only book on the list I’ve already read, if only in part. I bought the book in Moscow and plan to read the stories, too.
- Linor Goralik’s Это называется так (This Is What It’s Called or some similar combination of words…). Short stories and a play.
- Maksim Gureev’s Покоритель орнамента (Conqueror of Ornamentation? The title phrase is in the text but…). A mixture of the here-and-now and historical times… apparently involving a rug at a Crimean museum.
- Aleksei Makushinsky’s Пароход в Аргентину (Steamship to Argentina). A novel about émigré life and Proustian searches. A 2014 Big Book Award finalist. Makushinsky, BTW, is Anatolii Rybakov’s son.
- Anna Matveeva’s Девять девяностых (Nine from the Nineties). Short stories. Some, including (apparently) this one, were written for Snob.
- Margarita Meklina’s Вместе со всеми (Along With Everyone) Short stories.
- Iurii Miloslavskiii’s Приглашённая. Материалы к биографии Александры Федоровны Чумаковой (excerpt) (Invited. Materials Regarding the Biography of Alexandra Fedorovna Chumakova). About the Big Stuff: love, time, identity, rebirth, and death. Indescribable-sounding.
- Aleksandr Mil’shtein’s Параллельная акция (A Parallel Action). A “novel-palimpsest,” according to this review.
- Elena Minkina-Taicher’s Эффект Ребиндера (The Rehbinder Effect). Evidently a family saga. The effect in the title is described, stubbily, on Wikipedia here.
- Aleksei Nikitin’s Victory Park (excerpt). I bought this novel in Moscow and am looking forward to reading it: it’s set in Kiev’s Victory Park area in the late 1980s. Short listed for the 2014 Russian Prize, novel category.
- Maksim Osipov’s Волною морскою (With/On a Sea Wave, a watery wave, not a wave of the hand.). Eight medium-length (hi)stories set in various places. One is titled “Cape Cod.”
- Vladimir Rafeenko’s Демон Декарта (Descartes’s Demon). About a man who’s reborn multiple times, wandering the world and wanting to choose one life/fate for himself.
- Vladimir Sorokin’s Теллурия (Tellurium). On my NatsBest long list post, I wrote: A polyphonic novel in 50 highly varying chapters. Also shortlisted for this year’s National Bestseller and Big Book awards.
- Tatyana Tolstaya’s Легкие миры (Light Worlds? In which light has the meaning of not heavy…) Short stories; the title story won the Belkin Award. I bought the book after hearing Tolstaya speak at the Moscow International Book Fair in early September.
- Tatyana Freidensson’s Дети Третьего рейха (Children of the Third Reich). Nonfiction written by a journalist.
- Aleksei Tsvetkov’s Король утопленников (King of the Drowned). Prose texts arranged by size… the first takes up less than a half a page, the last is around 80 pages long. NB: This book was not written by the poet named Aleksei Tsvetkov. This book currently leads NOS(E) reader voting.
- Vladimir Sharov’s Возвращение в Египет (Return to Egypt). In which one Kolya Gogol (a distant relative of familiar, beloved old Nikolai Gogol) finishes writing Dead Souls. An epistolary novel. Finalist for the 2014 National Bestseller and Big Book awards.
- Oleg Yur’ev’s Диптих «Неизвестное письмо…» (Diptych. “An Unknown Letter…”) The letter is to Fyodor Dostoevsky, from one Ivan Pryzhov.
Posted by
Lisa C. Hayden
4:58 PM
Labels: contemporary fiction, NOSE Award