first: Irina
Povolotskaya won
the Belkin Prize earlier this month for her Пациент и Гомеопат (The Patient
and the Homeopath). And Academia
Rossica announced this week at the SLOVO festival
that Pola Lem won the Rossica Young Translators Award.
On to conference
with book fair: I went to slushy Boston earlier this month for the Association of Writers & Writing Programs
conference. The AWP conference is a gigundo event that’s as impersonal as the
organization’s name… though I did enjoy a few of the panels and, of course, the
book fair, which included lots of small presses and journals. Some conference
highlights… for writing technique:
Peter Elbow’s talk “The
Wisdom of the Tongue: Harnessing the Music of Speech for Good Writing,” looked
at intonation units in speech and gave me some great theory to back up my practices
for translating dialogue. I can see why one writing teacher told me Elbow’s considered
a rock star in the field; I was only too happy to order up his Vernacular Eloquence… for translation: panels on Polish
poetry, where it was fun to recognize commonalities with Russian, and hearing James
Ragan read from and speak about his translations of poetry by Yevgeny Yevtushenko.
Ragan said he never stops worrying that he missed something or somehow failed… for disappointment: the lowestlight of
the conference was that the room for the panel “Opening Her Veins: Variations
on Poems by Marina Tsvetaeva in Two Voices” was so far beyond SRO that I
couldn’t even stand in the hallway to hear the speakers. On the bright side: of course I’m very happy Tsvetaeva is such a draw!
The book fair gave me a bunch more
entries for past, present, and future translation lists, so I’ve already made
some updates to the 2012
and 2013
lists and started thinking about 2014. A few to mention… New
York Review Books will publish a new Krzhizhanovsky
collection (translator, Joanne Turnbull) in October and a new Pushkin collection
(translators, Robert and Elizabeth Chandler) next year… A Canadian publisher, Biblioasis, has a lovely illustrated
edition of three Chekhov stories, About Love, translated by David Helwig… Northwestern University Press
publishes quite a few translations of Russian-language books and had many on display, including copies of Anne O. Fisher’s
translation of Ilf and Petrov’s The
Twelve Chairs, Diane Nemec Ignashev’s translation of Victor Martinovich’s Paranoia, as well as a bilingual book of
Marina Tsvetaeva’s work that includes translations by Robin Kemball. And I
bought Erik Butler’s translation (from the Yiddish) of Der Nister’s Regrowth… It was also nice to see Zephyr
Press’s books: Zephyr has a huge selection of translations by Central and East European
authors, mostly poets published in bilingual editions… One of my favorite books
I brought home came from the people of Merriam-Webster, who gave me the Dictionary of English Usage for my reference shelf… On a non-Russian note, I’m also
excited about Lionheart, James
Anderson’s translation of Thorvald Steen’s Norwegian-language novel, which
University of Chicabo Press/Seagull
Books gave me… I brought back two huge stacks of books so will stop there.
![]() |
Alexander Vvedensky |
Off-site events were the real highpoint of AWP, perhaps because
they were planned by organizations not called AWP. An evening-with-poetry in a
restaurant, for example, included readings of Danuta
Borchardt’s translations of Cyprian Norwid and
Barbara Siegel Carlson’s translations of Srečko Kosovel… as
well as my introduction to a Russian theater in the Boston area, Theater on the Roof. An event with St. Petersburg Review
that began with readings by Kadija George, Brian Sousa, and Irina Mashinski was
a great opportunity to finally meet Mikhail Iossel and Jeff Parker, the editors
of Rasskazy,
in real life. Parker and Maria Gusev, who was also in Boston, are translating
Zakhar Prilepin’s San’kya.
My favorite event, though, was a reading at the Grolier Poetry Book Shop, where translators
read from new collections from New York Review Books. Don Share read from Miguel Hernández
and Matvei Yankelevich read from An Invitation for Me to Think, a
book of translations of Alexander
Vvedensky’s poetry for which Eugene Ostashevsky is listed as selector and
primary translator, with Yankelevich providing additional translations. Edwin
Frank, NYRB’s editorial director, likened the books to “poetry baseball cards,”
fittingly so since the books are small and brightly colored, with a “collect
them all” feel. Titles like “Stomach Rumbling During Confession of Love” are
certainly memorable.
As for coming
events: anyone in the New York area interested in hearing Ostashevsky
and Yankelevich read their translations of Vvedensky—and/or Share reading his
translations of Hernández, which I also enjoyed—is in lots of luck. Read Russia
is hosting a book
launch party on March 27 for An
Invitation for Me To Think. Then NYRB will host four related events in
April; three will focus on the Russian Avant-Garde and OBERIU. (NYRB April event
calendar) Speakers will include Ostashevsky and Yankelevich, plus Richard
Sieburth, Michael Kunichika, Bela Shayevich, Ainsley Morse, and Kirill
Medvedev. A special note on Kirill Medvedev: I bought It’s No
Good, an English-language collection of Medvedev’s writings, from Ugly
Duckling Presse at the AWP book fair and couldn’t put it down during my Amtrak
ride home. The book is described as including poems, essays, and actions; it’s
translated by Keith Gessen (who also wrote an introduction) with Mark Krotov,
Cory Merrill, and Bela Shayevich. Gessen writes in his introduction, “I don’t
know if our translations can capture the honesty, transparency, and passion of
Medvedev’s writing, both in his essays and in his poems, but we’ve tried.” I’ve
only read teeny snippets of Medvedev’s poetry in Russian and haven’t compared
translations with originals but as I read I could certainly feel all the things
Gessen was hoping to capture. And a lot more. Here are three reviews of It’s No Good that help explain: New York Times (Dwight Garner), Los Angeles Review of Books (Jeff
Parker), and Three
Percent (Will Evans).
Though I’m sorry none of these events are close enough for my
calendar, I have a great consolation prize: Dina Khapaeva will speak
about “When Dostoevsky’s Nightmares are Coming True: Gothic Aesthetics in
Contemporary Russian Society” at Bowdoin College on March 27. I’ve read and
enjoyed chunks of Khapaeva’s very engaging Кошмар:
литература и жизнь (Nightmare:
Literature and Life)—she covers writers including Gogol, Dostoevsky, and Pelevin—so
am looking forward to her talk. Maybe I’ll even write about it.
Up Next: Igor
Savelyev’s Tereshkova Flies to Mars, a
noughties novel known as Mission to Mars
in English: Amanda Love Darragh’s translation will be out this summer from
Glas. And then Evgenii Vodolazkin’s Laurus,
which brings me back to the Middle Ages in just the right way.
Disclaimers: The usual.
In addition to the books I mentioned receiving from publishers at no charge, NYRB sent me a review copy of the Vvedensky book; I am collaborating on
a story that will appear in a book that NYRB will publish.
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