So many bits of news have accumulated over the last couple
weeks that I think a news digest post is in order…
This year’s NOS(E)award went to Andrei Ivanov for Харбинские мотыльки (The Moths of Harbin), a novel about Russians in Estonia during 1920-1940. The novel will be released
in book form at the end of February from Elena Shubina Editorial, an imprint of
AST. (Unfortunately, only the first half of the book, published by the journal Znamia, seems to be available,officially, online.) Readers voting online opted for Mikhail Elizarov’s Мы вышли покурить на 17 лет (something like We Went Out for a Seventeen-Year Smoke). The short list for this
past NOS(E) season is here.

Speaking of new translations, it’s list time! I’m already
working on the 2014 list of new
translations, so I’d love to hear from translators and publishers with Russian-to-English
translations coming out in 2014. For some instant list-induced gratification,
here’s a link to a link where you can download the 2013 translation
database, courtesy of Chad Post/Three Percent/Open Letter Books. As Chad
notes, this is the first year the database, which covers all-languages-into-English, has listed more than 500 books.
I won’t write a full post about Daniel Katz’s
novelish book Kun isoisä Suomeen hiihti,
which I read in Vladimir Smirnov’s Russian translation, Как мой прадедушка на лыжах прибежал в Финляндию--the book is known
as When
Grandfather Skied to Finland in
English--but I do want to mention it. Alas, the book doesn’t seem to exist in English translation, which is too bad
because it’s a beautifully concise family saga of sorts telling the story
of a Jewish family in Finland. Katz focuses largely on Benya, who’s originally
from Polotsk, Belarus, and serves in the imperial Russian Army. Katz works a
lot into this small book, covering Benya’s military school experiences and
trumpeting mess-ups, World War 2 in Finland, and Jewish life in Finland. Though
the book leans a bit more toward novel-written-in-stories than I generally
prefer, I thoroughly enjoyed it thanks to Katz’s blend of dark humor (nicely
rendered by Smirnov), Jewish storytelling, and aspects of Russian and Soviet life
overlaid on a Finnish setting. The book has been translated into a bunch
of languages (apparently nine?), including Polish,
German, and Spanish.
A few other random items… I always enjoy the XIX век blog (which is,
BTW, written in English) but especially lapped up two posts about the recent
AATSEEL conference: one’s about Gothic
novels, the other is about Russian
biographies… I was pleasantly surprised a couple weeks ago to find not one
but two pieces about Russian literature in the weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal: first there was Sam
Sacks’s lengthy
review of Andrew Bromfield’s translation of Mikhail Shishkin’s Письмовник,
known in English as The Light and the Dark;
Sacks also mentions Shishkin’s Maidenhair (Венерин
волос), which Marian Schwartz translated into English. After reading
Sacks on Shishkin, I found Leon Aron’s “Learning
to Love Life on the Downslope,” about Pushkin’s “Elegy”. Weeks like that
make me sorry my free six-month subscription to the WSJ will soon end… Finally,
if you’ve always itched to read Nikolai Chernyshevsky’s Что делать? (What Is to Be Done?)
but just never seem to get around to it, well, you have no more excuses. Just drop
by Wuthering
Expectations and tell Amateur Reader (Tom) you’d like to join in his readalong,
which looks set to begin in late April. I read an abridged translation of What Is to Be Done? back in grad school because
the book was on my reading list. I remember rather enjoying it (despite numerous
warnings) during a heat wave but have to admit I’m not sure if I’m ready to commit to
reading the whole thing this spring. We’ll see!
Up Next: Vadim
Levental’s Masha Regina. Marina
Stepnova’s The Surgeon. Denis Gutsko’s
Beta Male, though I may set this one
aside until I can get a paper version of the book: not all books lend themselves
to electronic reading.
Disclaimers: The