I always enjoy looking up books that are shortlisted for awards -- this year’s National Bestseller short list was good fun thanks to lots of variety... Here are the six finalists and their point totals for this round:
Thursday, April 29, 2010
National Bestseller Finalists & A Nabokov-Related Translation Award
Posted by
Lisa C. Hayden
5:31 PM
Labels: awards, contemporary fiction, National Bestseller, Roman Senchin, Russian writers
Friday, April 23, 2010
The End of the World as We Know It?
Like apocalyptic fiction? Oh, do I have books for you… if, that is, novels about Mayan prophesies or post-nuclear-war America are your thing. I’m now realizing I’m much more into dystopias than apocalypse, but I read Sergei Lukyanenko’s Атомный сон (Atomic Dream) and Dmitrii Glukhovskii’s (Dmitry Glukhovsky) Сумерки (edit: literally Dusk or Twilight (oops!), though I’ve seen it called It’s Getting Darker) in preparation for the fantasy/science fiction theme planned for the Books from Russia events at the London Book Fair. Both authors were on the schedule, though Glukhovskii’s name disappeared before Icelandic volcanic ash closed European airspace.

Photo of stone jaguar: Ben Earwicker, Garrison Photography, (bjearwicke, via sxc.hu.)
Metro 2033 on Amazon.com
Lukyanenko on Amazon.com
Posted by
Lisa C. Hayden
6:31 PM
Labels: contemporary fiction, fantasy, science fiction
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Long List for the 2010 Big Book Award
I’m a few days late writing about the long list for this year’s Big Book award: the 49 nominees, in book, journal, or manuscript form, were announced on the 15th, the day I was supposed to fly to London for the London Book Fair. Despite the distraction and my disappointment, I’m feeling very fortunate I’m at home rather than stranded in a place far, far way. I have a reservation for tomorrow, but it’s very unlikely to fly, so I’m already thinking about fun literature-related projects for the next week or so… the interview with translator Marian Schwartz will go up soon, as will a post about two science fiction/fantasy pieces.
Posted by
Lisa C. Hayden
5:43 PM
Labels: Big Book Awards
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Translating 2017: An Interview with Marian Schwartz
I was thrilled when translator Marian Schwartz agreed to an e-mail interview: beyond wanting to learn more about her translation of Olga Slavnikova’s 2017, for which she received a National Endowment for the Arts grant, I wanted to find out what she’s working on now.
Here you go:
1. How did you come to translate 2017? Did you find the book or did the book find you?
2. I noticed in your acknowledgements that you thanked a friend and colleague for help with geological terminology. Was that one of the most difficult aspects of translating 2017?
I am very fortunate to have a colleague, R. Michael Conner, who specializes in translating Russian geology, so on the one hand I knew the scientific language was going to be a problem, but on the other I knew I had an authoritative source. Mike had helped me in a similar way when I translated Lost in the Taiga, which takes place in Siberia and describes the terrain at great length. So no, that wasn't difficult in the way the general density of Slavnikova's style is. As you know, Russian creates dense language in an entirely different way from English. Russian relies more on inflection; English on position. These kinds of passages become even harder when movement is involved, since Russian conceptualizes motion in what is, for English speakers, a totally alien fashion. It's at these moments that I have to step back, take a deep breath, and reimagine how English constructs a sentence out of these same components, while preserving the tone. Of course.
3. 2017 has a lot to offer, including a love story, wilderness adventure, and philosophical themes. Are there any themes or plot lines in the book that you think should be especially interesting or universal for people who read the book in translation?
The novel's attraction, I think, is not that it's universal but just the opposite, that it gives non-Russians very direct access to the kind of exotic Russian culture and psyche that has fascinated Western culture for over a hundred years. We read The Brothers Karamazov for the philosophy, but we're also intrigued by the characters' daily existence and general worldview. Some of that is going on here, too. In Spartan living conditions, educated men plot secretive prospecting expeditions and a whiz-kid computer programmer shuts himself in to figure out how to unlock secrets guarded by futuristic safeguards of his own making. Women turn to stone, for goodness' sake! Yes, there are several plot threads, but what really holds the reader, I think, is the emotion. There are sections that make my heart pound every time I read them.
4. What are you working on now?
Right now I'm translating an art book for Yale University Press on the Suprematist painter Kazimir Malevich. This is a period near and dear to my heart, and the book works with newly accessible archival materials that shed surprisingly new light on what I'd always considered a well-studied period. Little did I know.
5. What favorite writers or pieces of Russian fiction would you like to recommend to readers?
Akashic Books is putting out Moscow Noir in June, and for it I translated several stories, all but one by authors I'd never heard of let alone read, and three of them impressed me very much, Andrei Khusnutdinov, Sergei Kuznetsov, and Aleksandr Anuchkin. All the stories are a little more violent than I usually go for, but if you can accept that convention, then you're going to enjoy this collection.
The two more "literary" writers who I think should find publishers here are Mikhail Shishkin and especially Leonid Yuzefovich, who in addition to Cranes and Pygmies, which you reviewed, has a terrific historical detective trilogy (later made into a TV mini-series). Yuzefovich is a historian with special interests in Mongolia and medieval diplomacy (!), and he manages to bring all that into play. The Inspector Putilin series is set in St. Petersburg and loosely based on an actual detective who lived there in the latter part of the nineteenth century.
6. What question do you wish I had asked? And please answer it!
What does the future hold for foreign literature?
My crystal ball tells me that we are finally going to figure out how to publish and deliver great international literature electronically. I believe there are at least 5000 potential readers for almost any first-rate foreign novel, which would make publishing those books viable. Exactly what kind of portal or portals have to be devised is beyond my expertise, but we're seeing success of this sort already in science fiction, for example. International literature is one more kind of niche market, one of many that suddenly have a future. My hope is that this will lead to a much broader range of literature being published, not just the highest art (which clearly must be published), the most stylistically and intellectually challenging, but also books that are more conventional narratively and will have a wider audience. I'm not often this optimistic, but in this case I am. It's crazy, I know.
2017 on Amazon
Posted by
Lisa C. Hayden
11:31 AM
Labels: available in translation(s), contemporary fiction, literary translation, marian schwartz, Olga Slavnikova
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Going Round and Round: Bykov’s ЖД
Great idea. Messy execution. That pretty much sums up my thoughts on Dmitrii Bykov’s novel ЖД (ZhD) (chapters here), which Alma Books recently released in an English version as Living Souls (PDF excerpt here).
Bykov's Living Souls on Amazon
Posted by
Lisa C. Hayden
8:43 PM
Labels: contemporary fiction, Dmitrii Bykov
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Russian Literature at the London Book Fair
I’m very excited to be heading to London soon for the London Book Fair and a morning-to-night program of Russian literature events organized by Academia Rossica! Academia Rossica calls this year’s program focus “fantasy and magical realism,” an aptly broad description that fits the diverse writers and critics who will speak and/or read: Dmitry Bykov, Lev Danilkin, Maria Galina, Sergei Lukyanenko, Olga Slavnikova, and Vladimir Sharov.
Let me know if you’ll be at the book fair and would like to meet up… or if you have a question for one of the writers. I’ll see what I can do to get answers!
Posted by
Lisa C. Hayden
7:42 PM
Labels: contemporary fiction, London Book Fair 2010, Russian writers
Thursday, April 8, 2010
The Revolution Will Be Novelized: Prilepin’s San’kya
If you’d like a intimate view of politically motivated violence, vandalism, and mayhem, you’ll probably love Zakhar Prilepin’s Санькя (San’kya). San’kya tells the story of Sasha Tishin, a young man bent on finding an active role in an opposition party. His grandparents, who live in a remote village, call him San’kya, and his last name is derived from тише (quieter), though he also has an aggressive side.
Photo by Cheryl Empey, via sxc.hu
Posted by
Lisa C. Hayden
8:06 PM
Labels: available in translation(s), contemporary fiction, post-Soviet fiction, Russian novels, Zakhar Prilepin
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Representations of Reality: A Time of Women and The Yeltyshevs
Posted by
Lisa C. Hayden
7:57 PM
Labels: Booker Prize, contemporary fiction, Elena Chizhova, Roman Senchin, Russian novels, World War 2