2013 NOSE prizes
were awarded yesterday: Lev Rubinshtein won the jury prize for Знаки внимания (Signs of Attention), a collection of columns from various
publications and various years. Aleksei Motorov won the readers’ prize for his
autobiographical novel Юные годы медбрата
Паровозова (Male Nurse Parovozov’s
Young Years). I haven’t read any of the books on the NOSE short list (previous
post)… though I do intend to get to Mikhail Gigolashvili’s Захват Московии (The Capture of Muscovy) someday soon. NOSE prizes are awarded by
the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation.
Meanwhile, Academia Rossica sent me a note about this year’s
Rossica Young Translators Award. Full
information is online here
but here are key details... “Young” means you must be 24 or under on the deadline
for entries, which is March 10, 2013. The three excerpts from which to choose
are by Eduard Limonov, Boris Akunin, and Marina Stepnova. Chalk one up for
variety! Judges are Oliver Ready, Amanda Love Darragh, and Daniel M. Jaffe. Oh,
and the prize is £500.
Finally, the Institute
of Translation announced that it is accepting entries for the next Read
Russia translation prize, which will be awarded in 2014. Entries—this means books
(translations) published by non-Russian publishers during 2012 and 2013—will be
accepted throughout 2013. At the moment, there’s only information available in
Russian (here) but the
four categories for awards haven’t changed from last year: I listed 2012’s winners
in a previous
post. The Institute is also taking proposals for translation grants. There’s
information online in Russian
and in English. The
deadline of March 31, 2013, may be extended through May 2013.
Update on the 2013Translation List. Several of you sent information on translations coming
out in 2013. I have duly added them, so consider the list refreshed. I’m happy to
add more: all genres are welcome to participate!
Up Next: Mikhail
Butov’s Freedom, where I found a
spider particularly endearing. And, at some future juncture, Elena Katishonok’s
Once There Lived an Old Man and His Wife,
which I still don’t like. At all… though I’m reading it (albeit at a plodding pace)
with an almost morbid fascination because I’m gaining a better understanding of
what I don’t like in a novel. It’s a very interesting personal case study, particularly because I do see what other readers like about the book. Also: Grigorii
Danilevskii’s Princess Tarakanova, a
historical novel I picked up for some easy/easier reading on sleepy weeknights.
Disclosures: The usual.
I collaborate with the Read Russia program, including the Institute of
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