Rubanov’s win wasn’t particularly surprising given that Finist
racked up thirteen points from the award’s “big jury,” second only to
Trofimenkov’s fourteen. I was pleased to see Kalechina-Malechina, which
I’ll be writing about soon, come in second after finding a lot to admire in Nekrasova’s
colorfully written story about a young girl.
I saw the news about the NatsBest when I was sitting at the airport
waiting to fly home after spending a day in New York for Read Russia’s Russian Literature
Week… I clicked through to read the beginning of Finist, which, of
course, feels very different from any Rubanov I’ve read since it’s set in the distant
past rather than either a dystopian future Moscow (Chlorophyllia is
still my favorite Rubanov book, previous
post) or a very right-here-right-now Moscow, as in The Patriot,
which won the Yasnaya Polyana Award in 2017. In any case, I’m interested in giving
Finist a try in print – or maybe again on the reader without the distraction
of gate changes and crowds of humanity walking past.
I had a very fun time in New York, traveling for a Read Russia discussion
with Olga Slavnikova, Guzel Yakhina, and Ian Dreiblatt. Olga’s The Man Who Couldn’tDie and Guzel’s Zuleikha both came out in English translation
(Marian Schwartz’s and mine, respectively) this year, and Ian is a wonderful
translator, poet, and reader-observer, so there was plenty of “in conversation”
to go around. Other than sleeping and riding the subway (never simultaneously),
I spent my other hours in New York drinking coffee, wandering Central Park, and
meeting and eating with my fellow panelists, other translators, other Read
Russians, and the very good people of Columbia University Press/Russian Library
who will release my translation of Margarita Khemlin’s Klotsvog into
the world in August. They’ve done a great job with the book and I’m very excited
for it to come out.
Up Next: More award news! Big Book finalists will be
announced this week. Then Nekrasova’s Kalechina-Malechina and other tales.
All bets are off for what comes after that.
Disclaimers: The usual,
including that I translated NatsBest secretary Vadim Levental’s Masha Regina.
Other than sleeping and riding the subway (never simultaneously)
ReplyDeleteGood thinking! When I fell asleep on the subway as a young and foolish arrival in the city, I woke up with my wallet missing. Fortunately, being poor as well as young and foolish, I didn't lose much, and it taught me a life lesson.
Thanks as always for your useful award reporting!
Oh my, how awful to have your wallet stolen on the subway, Languagehat! I did sometimes doze a bit on the Moscow Metro when I took long rides but, somewhat miraculously, I never slept through my stop.
DeleteIt wasn't that awful -- my reaction was a mix of irritation, amusement at my own stupidity, and gratitude it hadn't been worse. It was much the same as when I lost some money to a couple of very good con artists who lured me into their fabrications on the street near my house; I was so hooked I ran into my apartment to get cash for the temporary use they were so convincing about, and returned with an envelope that contained (surprise!) strips of newspaper instead of twenty-dollar bills. Again, I didn't lose much (poverty), and I definitely felt it was worth it for the education it provided.